
i enter. i pause. i see you sitting there.
with your eyes focused intently upon your subjects.
i pass by. i attend to other business. you notice. i glance.
for a moment we understand each other. we empathize.

my place is set. i must return. your company awaits.
i too have company, yet this night feels like a solo flight.
with wings i fly high into the realm of what might have been.
you are not there, however, as our paths crossed only for a moment.

1 comment:

Clint said...

I love forbidden moments like these. Both know much could grow from the encounter, but each mind is left to flirt with the idea of what might have been. And often, it seems, this is far more intriguing anyway. Just a moment, a few glances, nothing tangible but completely real all the same. Does wonders for the self-esteem.