
Passing Time

Time is a peculiar thing, at times fluttering about like a happy bird then suddenly surging like a ferocious avalanche. It creeps upon us when we are looking the other way. Its shadowy face lurks about in the darkest corners of our beings, rearing its head when we must answer its calling. Our years are marked by historical moments, societal icons and personal milestones. Identifying ourselves by the happenings in our lives, it becomes difficult to feel less whole when these things that have been a part of us begin to disappear.

Loved ones, leaders, the famous and infamous alike all pass away one by one, leaving us to a world without them--a world that seems less familiar and lacking. We are left wondering what to do and where to go after familiarity has vanished, aimlessly looking to someone, somewhere for some semblance of support and direction. Fear is an exaggeration of what we feel; it is more of a nothingness, an emptiness that plagues our hearts indescribably. Not all fall prey to the reality of new surroundings, however, as many stiffen their upper lip in upward mobility ever enduring for God, country and family. To each his own.

Perhaps purging one's memory of the past is a more effective way to cope with the future. Then again, the realness of the present can be so overwhelming that it produces compelling thought, a resolve that quells even the cruelest of storms. Poets, then, are left with the task of fending off the demons of passing time, ever present amidst the gaze of a ticking clock. The world changes, and those within it are susceptible to the icy chill of death. Still, life endures and man presses onward to the unknown, ever pursuing and indefinable goal. It is in this end, ironically, where eternal peace dwells.


Creature of Love

Eyes. Once again, the most compelling piece of God's creation have taken my soul captive. Piercing through my toughest skin, they gaze upon even my most naked being, knowing me, engulfing me, understanding me. Just when I think it impossible to be enraptured by such an entity, I am whisked away into bliss; or as I know it, foreverness among the deepest of spirits.

My brokenness is gracefully mended amidst the throngs of passion while the essence of my being is carefully mended back together. A patchwork of life's stories are once again pieced together in an effort to make sense of chaos. Accomplishment, then, is found in the pleased eye of the beholder as he studies his subject of love, lavishing his love upon his subject.

In between the lines is where I have been hiding. I did not go unnoticed, though, and I was brought out of the cold. Warmth of togetherness and true fellowship surrounded me, thawing my frigid bones, transforming me into the creature from whence I came. My purpose rediscovered, my being presses onward toward a prize of unmeasurable peace.



Lately I cannot seem to put into words the insanity, the crazy that enraptures my mind. Like a stream flowing nowhere, currents twist and turn, churning thoughts into gibberish. Synapses that once effectively carried impulses to their logical destination. Now these pathways are full of holes, randomly sending pieces of my life spiralling into the abyss. This is the disconnect that I have feared the most; it is happening and I cannot fathom stopping it.

When the body shuts down, I have always pondered the extenuating circumstances that could have contributed to the decline. In my own case, I wonder what dreadful experience or trauma triggered my emotional lapse. Witnessing first hand a rapid physical descent, I know that the body followed the mind, aimlessly led astray by unknown demons. I live in a dream, a perilous and infinite labyrinth that desecrates the goodness of life. How does it end?

Rebuilding is easier said than done. Once your body has washed up on the shore, broken, battered and alone, it is difficult to imagine constructing a new home. Forgetting the tools you once used, the passions you once enjoyed, it becomes taxing to contemplate moving, much less actually doing so. There are options that seem easier, pathways that require no thought or emotion. These, however, should not, cannot, are not viable solutions. I wait.


Her Love

My heart was healed today. Once again discovering unending love, my soul was reassured of its life. A mother's love, locked tightly in a fairy tale treasure chest, was rejoined with my being. This safe box did not hide her love; rather it preserved it to the fullest, extending it past unfathomable circumstances. Though periods of despair ensued, prevailing love conquered all, gleaming beyond the drudgery of life. My mother is indeed an anchor of love, and my affection for her remains undiminished. Would that I might show such compassion amidst life’s uncertainties, that I might rejoice for the healing in my house.


Candle On the Water

Life, sometimes, is likened to a dimly lit lantern, hanging by a rusty handle from the bow of a ship, creaking and cranking in the wind above the bustling seas below. Peering through foggy stained glass, one knows that a flame exists within, though inclement weather bars clarity. Piercing through the darkness, this light reminds us we are indeed alive, although the details of our journey can become quite blurred. Alas, this thin thread of comfort, our dangling lantern, rattles the notion that we yet breathe, steadily taking in life while facing even the deadliest of rows.

Then, when finally we find peace in our vitality, we glimpse a beacon in the distance, not dissimilar from our own. This candle on the water fills us with intoxicating joy in knowing that we are not alone. Our odyssey is our own yet the paths are many, flush with kindred wanderers seeking unknown destinations. Meaningful opportunity, then, is bestowed upon us when we encounter one whose glimmer of hope has gone out. Rekindling the fire upon his torch, we embolden him to resume his adventure with vigor, imparting courage drawn from the fellowship of many travelers to pursue the unending course. Life itself.


A (Newer) Beginning

Many of us long for it, yet so rarely are we afforded the opportunity to explore new worlds. We become somewhat stale under the aegis of our roots, longing to be reborn in an unknown place. This transformation must take place in order for us to make peace with ourselves, truly forgive ourselves, heal ourselves, and care for ourselves.

Providence has bestowed upon me the chance to embrace a new skin. I have learned much this past year; I have made many mistakes yet I have accomplished several successes. These experiences make up who I am. Good and bad, I am composed of yin and yang, one of the oldest concepts surviving. My aim is to use this knowledge to my advantage and as I have previously stated, to get through this life with some semblance of dignity. I am free now.

Free to move on and traverse the road less traveled. I intend to do so fully remembering where I came from while resisting the urge to look back in wont to the past.



The end.