
Swimming with the big ones

A different fish now swims in the sea. Where once an old bass dwelt among squalor a perch now roams the vast oceans. Try as I may I cannot seem to swim among aquatic life. It is too unpredictable. I always thought that surprise and intrigue would more than suffice for my yearning for adventure; rather, I have been disappointed by such trivialities. My adventurous pursuits have only ended in wounds which I cannot rationalize or explain with some semblance of logic. Instead I suffer my own criticism.

In the meantime, I still endure that which will not cease to torture me. Though I knew this day was coming I remained unprepared; suffering under the delusion that I would somehow avoid such a pitfall. Even now I cannot regret my pursuance of the path set out before me. I know within the depths of my soul I have strived for valor, for honor. To preserve that which is thrown away by many; to uplift the human value for life and all that it encompasses. My brethren, I call for your patience, as time will give you the respect you so humbly desire.

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