
a good bit of trash to sort through...


honestly, it's hilarious what objective journalism means today. this piece above is great. see if you can find the obvious hidden point of this piece. it is entitled, "people who mattered 2005."

time magazine is trash anyways, but i did get a kick in reading their little tidbits about the people who "mattered." the usual can be expected: liberals and bush haters were glorified; anyone associated with republicans, well you know what happened to them. i am not saying that these people did not matter, but it was in the write ups about them that the editor's true biased feelings came out. what surprised me the most is that the editor had more positive things to say about iran's anti-semitic president who has been threatening the use of nuclear arms than he did about George W Bush. i can understand people's dislike for our president, but come on, he is not out there saying hateful things about anyone. no one here would let him get away with that. he is not threatening the world with nuclear arms like a little child throwing a tantrum. wake up people, and stop playing the fool.

just a side note here. the time will come when lines will again be drawn against israel and jews in general. where will you stand? i tell you, that i shall not call friend anyone who does not stand in solidarity with israel. i will not even have to think about it. it is a problem that is escalating and i will be intolerant of it.

what has the world come to? are people so blind? yes, yes indeed they are. it is so simple, but people do not want to see things for what they really are (right and wrong), especially when it will call into question the morality of their lifestyle. pride is an awful thing.

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