

i'm back. and not even a computer geek with a chinese passport could subvert me from my lair. the ass has been smitten and i have resumed my electronic life. after seven days and six nights (which sounds like a sequel even more mundane than the original) of utter hell, the hats at google decided that there was something suspicious about me changing my language to mandarin and getting from the united states to asia in three hours. needless to say i am safely returned to my life of records, as it were, and my identity is safely back in my pocket. i feel like peter pan having spent a week chasing around my own shadow that somehow got away from me, the bastard.

so much has happened since the travesty began. i don't even know where to begin. hurricane projections were overestimated (again) this year. hmmm, i'll bet federal aid requests remained the same...

in other news a brit was arrested by the sudanese government for insulting islam. after foolishly naming a teddy bear "mohamed," proponents of the peaceful religion apparently found it prudent to indict the teacher, deciding whether or not to give her the lashes which are standard procedure for women especially. mercifully, the powers that be thought it sufficient to only imprison the fifty-four year old in an overcrowded facility infested with mosquitoes for a mere fifteen days. that's two weeks for those of you in orange county. how did the brits respond? with many "huffs" and "well i never"s. the powerless poodles drooled about while their own rotted away in the hands of the insane. how did the woman's family respond? "our main concern is that people will look poorly on islam for this." well, i'll be damned if i don't disdain the disaster of a religion for its own hypocrisy and lies. in conclusion, this is yet another case of the schoolyard bully pushing down a kid, the teacher and parents telling the kid to stand up and then bend over for the bully, and the kid actually listening to their lunacy. the end.

oh, and by the way, i now have health insurance... for the cost of a healthy tan in the winter one can enable a doctor to prod for irregular tension in the nether regions...

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