
it has been over a year now, since the journey began
and i still suffer from the same mirage on the horizon
i travel down an endless road, seeking to find respite
i see a blurry vision of you waiting, with that perfect smile

your eyes pierce mine as our gaze connects
my heart bursts into a sprint so to win the prize
i trip, i fall hard, my face is last to scrape into the ground
my heartbeat slows, the heat lifts, you are gone

i recount these memories with fondness
as if they are a thousand years old and quickly fading
contentment is a choice and slowly i am choosing such
you changed me, i had wished i could protect you

i will still raise my glass to you, my dear friend
for bitterness is not really my thing, it is sad
and there is great joy to be had in loving you still
loving you in a distant way, a healthy disconnect

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