
hurricane hissy fit...

i have a deep hurt and concern for the people affected by last week's hurricane. i do not, however, sympathize with any newscaster, newspaper, or any other media's effort in this matter. the media has gone completely crazy during this time and they are responsible for unwarranted anger popping up around the country.

last time i checked, we do not get what we want by throwing a fit. and last time i checked, people used to be grateful for a helping hand, they did not ask, "where the hell have you been?" i am so sick of stupid americans acting like it is the government's job to take care of them! it is not, read the constitution! protection is different from babying... also, for those of you who think bush is to blame for the hurricane, or that he is to blame because our forces are in iraq not new orleans, i will tell you to your face that you are ignorant and childish. if you are going to try and blame weather conditions on a man (for global warming or any other purposes) then you are living in a dream world! get it together and grow up! also, there are other cities in this nation. the federal government could send all of the national guard to new orleans at once, but then what would we do if some great tragedy happened in another city? all of you gripers out there would complain again that forces did not come fast enough!

the tsunami did so much more damage but we are going to hell and a hand basket over this hurricane thing because people can blame bush and bring up iraq again. i am so sick of hearing about it. get over it!!! god bless the hurricane victims, but god have mercy on the ones who defied the authority which tried to protect them and stayed behind and are now looting and pillaging. also, to those of you out there who are capitalizing on this as another venue to hate bush and the iraq war, may god have mercy on you too for your selfishness and stupidity. finally, i condemn the gasoline industry for not acting fairly in this matter and overcharging out of fear, not necessity (the gasoline industry profits greatly while everyone else has meager profits).

i know i come across as harsh in this piece, but no one else is voicing anything about the mistreatment, disrespect, and hatred being condoned by the american media for reasons unwarranted. i have known several people that have experienced extreme tragedy in their lives, and they at no time treated anyone as have some of the people of new orleans that the news has depicted. my friends all expressed gratefulness. hopefully, the news is just at it again to hate bush, etc. and hopefully they have just been abusing their power yet again to fabricate the truth. that is all i have to say on this matter. hopefully, future americans won't be as selfish as the generations before us are proving to be.

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