
Politics departed; examIning within

My passion for politics was relit in this election cycle. I do not presume to know why this occurred, but nonetheless it is what happened and that is that. Fortunately, for me and many of my friends, the insanity of political discussion has ceased from my end. In a flash, like a lit match encountering water, the inner flame driving my zeal for politics was extinguished. The torment is over, at least for now. I have made peace with whatever transpires on November 4; it has been ordained by God and destiny cannot be altered. From my lips now passes the last of my political engagements and I move quickly onto newer and even older subjects.

I read somewhere today that “religion is dumb; Jesus is great.” As clever as that phrase may sound (especially to the evangelical right), it is in fact sophomoric in its very nature. While the church inevitably crumbles when being tested at any given time in its history, it is the religion, the practice of faith which stands the test of time. Relationship with Christ has merit, but in a relationship actions must occur and affection must be practiced. To hold in one’s heart the satisfaction of simply knowing someone is at best trivial in a meaningless, loveless relationship.

I say these words because I find myself stuck in limbo, a purgatory where I am not accepted by the church nor am I welcomed my heathens. My sexuality is a product of misguided deceit according to the church. In contrast, my faith and conservatism are a result of my self hatred and hypocrisy according to the liberal world. Nowhere can I find refuge for my lonely soul. Damned by the ordinary world (and I say that with the greatest of sarcasm), I am left to my own devices to guide myself through this turbulent life.

Therefore it is my religion, the practice of faith, making the sign of the cross that gives me strength and reminds me of who I am and always will be. My creator loves me and I him, and it is important to me that I outwardly portray this. My lifestyle directly contradicts religious theology, which my detractors cite in proclaiming the hypocrisy of my beliefs regarding action oriented relationships. What they fail to acknowledge is that mine is an affair which shows on the outside while many evangelicals wrestle inner afflictions by which they will never be measured. Additionally, it is one piece of my life which is in question. My faith is steadfast and my outward profession of faith remains evident. Those surrounding me know I love God and they can see my affection for him. Though all of us fail biblically, it is one side calling the other out in an clash which only drives the outcast further from the brethren.

Never have I claimed to be “right” in God’s eyes. Never have I claimed that his Gospel is wrong. What I expect from people is to show me the same respect I afford them. God will be my judge and so be it. In the meantime I have no intention of ditching my religion. As much as it stuns the evangelical right, I will continue to profess my faith while I live in the manner I have chosen.

That being said, I am actually quite well. I have a positive outlook on life and I am generally satisfied with my progress academically, professionally, emotionally and spiritually. I have found a wonderful companion with whom I share my life daily. My friends are supportive and loving, and we share glorious times together. Waking up knowing that I am my honest and true self every day provides me with hope to embrace the future. My spirits are high and my wonder ever flowing. Lifting a glass and hoping for the best, I move onward.


Myths of Global Warming hosed off

Lorne Gunter has written an excellent piece, noting that in early September 2008 reports of warming temperatures around the globe began to fizzle out, as glaciers began increasing in size as cooler climates swept in. Consistent patterns over the last several years are suggesting that a cooling phase has set in globally. Thirty years of a so called “warming trend” bred an invincible religion; a crusade of pandemonium targeting all dissenters with baseless vitriol and ruinous slander. Well renown scientists were instantly cast aside for questioning the infallibility of the religious left. Merely the fact that prior to 1860, only inferences can be made regarding worldwide temperatures beckons scientific questioning as to the validity of conjectured theories of global warming.

According to the very Darwinists that spearhead the campaign offering green salvation, the earth is four and a half billion years old. Statistically speaking, there is no statistic available to offer any credible information concerning historical global climates, considering that researchers have inferred temperature patterns for only .000000003 percent of all possible years, which by scientific standards means we don’t have a clue. In fact, samples of the earth’s crust indicate that temperatures were much hotter one thousand years ago during the medieval warm period. Supposedly rational scholars are skeptical when considering biblical events yet they accept without doubt hypotheses which are inherently unprovable. Global warming seems only to be occurring within the minds of those who are pushing it on a helpless public, as the hot air which fills the heads of so called environmentalists is only getting hotter.

One question: will taxpayer money which has been spent on this farce be returned to the citizens swindled by fear and superstition and will the millions of African lives lost to starvation resulting from banning DDT be restored? Who will pay recompense for this nonsense which has dominated cultures around the world, forced on ordinary people by media, governments, and social elites? To this day songs like Joni Mitchell’s “Big Yellow Taxi” enjoy radio play, insulting the dead in Africa, slapping families in the face who hungered because the US would not fund imports treated with DDT. Environmental policy was wrong in this instance, and those responsible did nothing but reinstitute the use of DDT in farming--to little, to late.

Science split away from the Church in the twentieth century only to form a new world order which no one is allowed to deny. If one rejects the hyper superiority of the ruling climate geeks, he is condemned to hell on earth, left to rot in eternal misery for his blasphemy of the holy green spirit. Darwinist theories have changed multiple times since there inception in the nineteenth century. If the infallible “Pope” of science has to be constantly reevaluated, it is possible that global warming theories must also be reevaluated, scrutinized to ensure statistic probability. Those in opposition to the current status quo have a long uphill battle to fight. Ignorance is perhaps the most treacherous enemy to walk the earth and it has seized the minds of logical human beings everywhere. I for one will not be sucked into the mass hysteria which is global warming, as my dedication and help is best directed toward real and evident decay: suffering humans, lost and alone in an ignorant world.