
we went to disneyland.
the b-shedd came along as well!
we had fun.
here are some memorable quotes:

"looks like jumping the fence is just second nature to them..."

"that's what she said"

"we should put a giant 'v' on your forehead"

"they are like a potato and a carrot"

"i wonder if they've added the smell of burning forests to the 'soarin over cali' ride"

"i need to get to a bathroom now before i bleed out"


As I gaze upon the lonely star which rises in the east, prefacing the morning sun, I wonder if life really does exist outside the realistic realm of practicality. I would conjecture that it does not; but alas, my skepticism rears its ugly head. Life pours forth from my being, stemming from a single bud and multiplying into a sea of scions--each shoot reaching for its own identity; its own fulfillment. I believe my marrow to be of principled substance, yet I contradict even my own predications within the very bowls of my soul.

I love. I learn. I live.

My simple desire is to sit with another on such a venture; however, I know what is impossible. Just as my facile words pass into the vastness which is the aeon of the unheard, so are my juvenile sentiments of romance vanquished by the starkness of conventionalism. Perhaps the wind shall one day bring upon me a great pilgrim who might guide my cynicism to a place of reconciliation. Perhaps one day from the crow's nest the lookout will shout "hope does not avoid us; It awaits us yet ahead!"


I have never been surrounded by so many voluntarily blind people. To my right and my left sheep are literally pulling the wool over their own eyes. Leaders are wasting leadership opportunities in exchange for sloth. Citizens are ignoring mass murder in their own backyards only to listen to lesbian love fantasies exchanged on The View. As the dark force that is liberalism presses more fervently upon this nation, Americans have been rendered immobile; they have abandoned reason, trading in logic for "gratification." I look on in disbelief even as friends and family follow the mentally ill flock to the edge of the cliff. They see no terror in the coming storm. My heart grieves for them. I scream and shout at the top of my lungs, yet I am not heard. Perhaps I have been rendered mute by the spirit of evil.

Our public schools are an utter failure; not because they are producing uneducated students (which they are), but they have failed the American people because they have delivered our young to the mouth of the lion. Insane "teachers" and profane professors have dirtied the water of what was supposed to be a safe place to bring up our youth. We trusted these institutions to take our young and prepare them to face the world, not submerge them into a world of debauchery, hate, disorder and lies. From the earliest of ages our children now learn the dynamics of sexually deviant behavior ranging from self gratification to same sex marriage. Rather than teach them not to lie, cheat and steal we think it is more important to impose upon them "principles" of tolerance (except when it comes to tolerating anything remotely Christian in nature), how to use contraceptives to avoid AIDS (which is mainly a homosexually and IV transmitted disease) and only to use one square of toilet paper so as to save the earth. The so called "institutions of learning" have desecrated themselves, dragging our children with them into the miry pit. We have stood by and watched, perhaps hoping for a different outcome, but we cannot deny what has happened and the only way to cure this disease is to kill it. It is time for the closure of all public education. It is one of the worst mistakes that this nation has ever made.

Only when he is imprisoned will my fellow man realize the death he has brought upon himself; only when his life is threatened will he see again. Will it take mothers watching in horror as knives are put to the throats of infants? Will it take kindergartners learning how to put on condoms? What more will it take to grab the attention of those who claim to care? The method of sitting back and hoping for the best will work no more. The leading liberal candidates for the American presidency unanimously agree on federally funding abortions to those who cannot afford to pay their own assassin. Are we so mindless and stupid that we cannot see the lack of logic in killing our own, killing the defenseless nonetheless? For thirty years we have answered yes to that question, giving a dumb nod while bad judicial law has reigned by stymieing sanity.

Is this really the end for this once principled nation? I hope it is not. I still have faith in a being that is greater than any political candidate. I still believe that most Americans prefer wisdom to the stupidity of liberalism and the moral relativism it heralds. My words are harsh but they are indeed the truth and I will not stand by like an idiot, watching the flocks descend the cliff to their bloody deaths. I will speak up. I will write a thousand letters. I will civilly disobey. I only hope others will listen.


why is it that family is the first to turn their backs on each other in times of disagreement? what purpose does this serve but that of the evil one himself? i can reason any of this ridiculousness away with simple elementary logic. why cannot they? i am through wasting my time trying to encourage people to get along. it is a simple choice.


my pen runs dry these days as my thoughts have dwindled into simple desires for sedation. my purest longings are still of the most evil, and my mental composition will always be flawed. the only comfort i have is that i know exactly what i will be doing in ten years and how i will get there. my future is set before me and thus far it has progressed exactly how i predicted it would. i was born alone. i shall fulfill a life alone. it is the only way permissible. but i must say it is not by choice. for if there were another way i assure you i would have taken it.

my words fall upon deaf ears and blind eyes. there is only so much humanity can take. i understand that. which is why i know that the only person that can help me is myself. it is solely up to me when it comes to my earthly salvation. i did not created the monster that lies within, but i trained it; i nurtured it and raised it into its current state. i have brought it about from being exclusively carnivorous to a point of preferring vegetation. perhaps this has something to do with a form of personal punishment, or remembrance rather. for i shall not forget where i came from.

love remains unchanged. reserved only for those who are unconventional which augments all complication into a vast chasm of complexity. but when adoration is born, it scourges the body in way so unbearable that it creates distaste for such frivolities. yet the mind remains unchecked; the will is wild and relationship implants itself in a permanent position.

i know not how long this charade will last. it is wearisome. it is exhausting. it is self-demeaning. i must heal. i must let go. but these are the very poisons which torment me incessantly. if a mountain lies behind me, an infinite precipice awaits.


again i am troubled with my undying love for the impossible. how it torments me! i bring new meaning to the phrase "a league of his own." no matter how hard i try, i cannot fit into the social box which has been approved for me. i am floundering.


it is time. the regime that currently stands in iran must be toppled. it is time for the world to rid itself of this festering blister and shed the irksome government that has tormented many for too long. as it stands, they have been allowed to exist long enough. they have had opportunity and peaceful invitations to change, yet they tarry. furthermore, it is not as if they do so privately or to remain unnoticed; rather, they foment malcontentedness throughout the world in the form of fear and murder. the monster that grows in the east must be crushed with the swift hand of the west or the body which is the earth will rip itself apart.


Need I say more?


why must my eyes set upon a feast of which i cannot partake? i dream the impossible. i imagine the unrealistic. i take not of beauty and i set forth to appreciate it. is like mindedness really that hard to find? maybe. these questions and more weigh heavily on my mind.


perhaps one of the most motivating factors of life is the artful state of waiting; especially for that which shall never be achieved. i constantly find myself in a period of anticipation for what is to come. rarely am i satisfied by simple stasis. the cure for this discomfort is found in a stainless steel shaker, and poured gently through a stream of rocks. here ends my vagueness.

humans naturally desire to be bonded with those who are similar to themselves; though it is not uncommon for the same to crave the dissimilar. the predicament that is so frustrating is when one finds himself stuck in the category of not fitting into a specific category. that is to say that one finds himself neither lion nor lamb, neither vodka nor gin. instead he finds himself floating along in a classification of miss fits whom are rarely understood by either side of an argument or alignment.

i suppose there must be some danger in finding that fond likeness in another person. for this is when one ceases to search. he does not lift his eyes to the horizon, and he lays flat on the ground as he drinks from the stream. with his vulnerability at critical levels he can expect to be met with the striking blow of disappointment and rejection. a man has but only a limited amount of love to give while he is in the world, and unfortunately it is not renewable.

perhaps one day the man shall collide with another who is his balance. one who fears providence. one who does not justify but rather loves. but this is yet another dream of such fantastic proportions that it too shall never see an end.