
f the news

i will only say this once: i am so sick and tired of hearing what some "correspondant" has to say... especially when it comes to the war in iraq. that is so yesterday. don't think i'm cold, i am simply a representation of the american people. one day, they will be on one side, the easy side; the next day, they will be on the complete oposite side, due to peer pressure and popular dislike. what a fickle society. i am happy to say i am not a part of such a travesty. they can have their cake, but unfortunately, they will not eat it as the predatory world around them will eat them and their cake.


why do people have this incredibly audacious idea that the world operates on their time? i grow weary of those who do not respect the time or patience of others, only so that they might not feel the stress of punctuality. now of course, many of you will say, "well jack is always late to the party or hangout" to which i will respond that though indeed many times this is true, it is always quite fashionable, expected and dependable. i at least will show up--with bells on. the offenders of whom i speak take no guilt in cancelling their plans at the last minute. that, in my opinion, is unforgivable.


changing winds

i know many of you have grown weary of my prose
i know that it can be difficult to be interested
therefore, i am taking a short break from my usual style
and i will write of my life from a different perspective

enjoy. or hate.

first, i will address something about which all of you are curious. and the answer is no. at least, not at this time. it is not the right time (by the way, in case you had not noticed, i have chosen to leave some of my more ambiguous stylings in tact). the point is, do not wonder nor worry, for i have yet to embark on such an adventure... or at least purchase a one way ticket.

that being said, i miss many of you. you know who you are! let me say that you need to return my phone calls because it is rude to ignor your friends and to pretend that you are too busy to talk. we all know that we all screen and we pick and choose with whom we will talk. get over it and pick up the phone people! you know i would do it for you--but not forever if it is one sided.

i will be hosting a housewarming party toward the end of august/early september. rather than send out a massive number of invites, i thought i would gauge interest by asking all who are interested to respond, and then i will extend to you an invitation. i detest pandoring.


unthinkable. unfavorable.
predictable. impalpable.



this world shall fall
no, not at the fault of global warming
for that is certainly a truth that is false
but at the hand of humanity and his ignorance

this country, new rome, shall be one of the first
one of the first to crumble, but last to fall
we will not have the pleasure of dying first
we will witness the last drop of blood spill

this country is filled with masochists who are hungry
bloodlust running wild, encouraged by ideal liberalism
will surely engulf every last one of us
whether or not we inject the heroin ourselves

be tollerant, we are told, and others will tollerate you
that is until their militant hearts take hold
let your children choose, and they will have peace
let your women choose, and their guilt will wash away

murder god, jesus and the holy spirit
and you will wipe out hunger, war and hate
planes crash and buildings fall
then you will come crawling back to church

this nation deserves what is coming by god's wrath
and i for one am dreading that great and terrible day
most assuredly, i have contributed to our guiltiness
and i shall pay my fair share, but still i fear

no one knows it's coming. no one thinks it's coming.
and nobody would believe it's coming
for our hearts have been poisoned, deadened
we are keen only to our self gratification

the day approaches


global warming is a religion. it requires a faith in a matter which cannot be scientifically proven. it requires sin and guilt: the realization that you are the cause of the destruction of earth (and therefore mankind). it requires that you spread the gospel to others, persuading them that they must change their ways. finally, it requires salvation: which is you changing every bit about your life that gives you too much comfort, that the earth might be saved.

do you see how ridiculous this is? every day, new SNOWSTORMS are hitting the globe. yes, record heatwaves are hitting the DESERTS of america, but how many global warming marches were cancelled this year due to extreme cold? the answer is many! but you will not hear this from major news networks, because they cannot cope with the fact of being wrong. i tell you, the first to carry the honest truth will win the ratings, as the REAL american people (not the visitors, etc.) will be able to decipher the facts.


for any ignorant imbecile who even thinks about criticizing bush's pardon of lewis "scooter" libby. this link provides a qualified, "shut your mouth" if i've ever seen one. enough said.
