pale become the memories of old, this year past
this eve brings celebrations of ancient times
and friends everywhere will kindle their bonds
though it was probably just, still i cannot agree with a penalty of death.
to rule the life of another, to bring it to its end is a dangerous task
and i most certainly would not be comfortable assuming such a position.
this does however remind us of just how fragile is our existence.
may providence have mercy upon lost souls, as we affirm his singular perfection
the stress of your comfort is too much for me to handle
it seems that even bliss eventually turns to reality
for your sake, you should cut and run, because i have already
it is always only a matter of time before truth and wishful thinking collide
he told me that i had wonderful, beautiful dreams
dreams for which he was happy; pure imagination of endless limits
you reckoned my dreaming, though; you asked me to reconsider
my greatest dreams must not have pleased you; they did not serve you
this is how realism pushes its way through relationships
emotional blocks are not built; just uncovered for all to see
for the brave soul meets another in fellowship
and the antagonist walks away in disdain
ancient times and distant music speak softly to me
hearty fellowship breeds a confidence so elegant
and mere kindness is kindled in the fires of love
blue eyes gently sweep across a vast divide
giving light to the hopeless and inspiring passion
a soul quietly peers upon possibility and the unknown
while the mind holds fast to reasonable reckoning
enter the grey cool mist of night, ever pervading the clear
the uncertainty of the fog now rests in the place of logic
and yet again, all fates are in the hands of providence
this eve we danced the timeless tale of the babe
our spirits joined with all creation to pay homage
myrrh, frankincense and gold were lavished upon him
this night we heard the meaning. the subtext of the story.
how kings and countrymen related in such glory
we took bread and wine to participate in the continuing holy saga
and our hearts were contented with the fulfillment of providence
gloria. gloria. gloria.
to him in the highest.
peace and goodness on the earth.
gloria. gloria. gloria.
for thou hast pricked me sharply
was it not enough to wound me
but then to desecrate the gash with salt
the world has crowned the actor king and the politician has become the priest. entertainment is now the modus operandi of the generations. god is a three letter word that should not be used in public. morality is word from a dead language. family connotates political conservatism and marriage consists of all things whimsical. infants are merely charitable organisms to be had by science; their willing tissues sacrificed to appease the master of humankind, dis-ease, that man might fulfill his own selfish desire to exist more pleasantly.
the sons of adam and the daughters of eve appear to have failed as the stewards of this earth. fortunately, final salvation is not contingent upon passing such a test.
one can only hold the anchor for so long before he falters
but it is to be expected, though it is not easy to accept
and one can only continue, beaten, down the weary path
the human perspective is a curious thing, for it deceives
this oddity is often the cause of war and bloodshed
for rarely do warring parties agree why they fight each other
and often both are justified in the very end, and rightly so
one cannot always get what he wants in this life or the next
in fact it would not be good for a person to be completely want free
it is such natural desires, though, that plague the heart
the best consolation is that perhaps not all ends here
these and others, perhaps a pipe and some warm whisky
all are present at this gathering of thoughtful consorts
books and such are the subjects of delightful conversation
one can only appreciate keeping warm in the cold months
if he is subject to the frigid air itself; kept at bay to the freeze
this is why, i suppose, that i do enjoy sitting in frosty weather
while sipping hot tea, clothed in the embrace of gentle furs
i have been away...
most glorious one
i am wholly indebted to you
i could never come close to repaying you
you do not ask it from me
though i feel eternally compelled to offer
you have been calling me, signaling me
i am sorry i have not answered, i turned away
as tears flow gently from my eyes
i am drawn unto you through an unlikely source
i have felt your pleadings in recent days
in my mind i knew my travels were set to cease
i can see home in the horizon, its familiar glow
i am returning there, after being away for months
as i look to my feet i notice i am not walking
i am being carried by you, ushered to the end
i do not deserve this, for death is my wages
you give so freely to an ungrateful soul
even as i left you so that i might perish in my selfishness
you guarded me, you guided me through unimaginable dangers
death fell upon me and you brought me up from its grasp
such darkness pierced by your infinite light
and now here i am, broken, battered... and such time wasted
i have longed for that which does not edify, temporal cares
my sights set on the false world of earthly wealth and riches
while you still suffer from the pain of your death by my cruel hand
i plead now for your mercy, your forgiveness, your rescue
i realize these as i lie helpless in your arms, unable to move
words cannot begin to convey my anguish for my own rebellion
may the god of peace grant me swift death unto myself, renewal
oh providence i am in need of your assistance
i cannot live in this world on my own, i fall
bestow upon me brave wisdom to surrender
transform my animosity into a generous love
sanctify me by your spirit, oh true and only savior
mend my wounds which cloud my return
regenerate my soul into your perfect peace
and keep calm the waters which now lie still
o magnificent one, send forth your peace
our high horse
we put on airs, pretending we are better
we put on slacks, claiming a "witness for christ"
we blasphemy in our selfish and gossipy prayers, calling it "concern"
we say we are someone who we are not; we claim to be "christians"
how unfortunate that we call ourselves apart of god's team
since our affiliation must frequently embarrass him
we try to pass laws decrying acts of sodomy and the like
we attempt to separate the smokers from the saved
such hypocrites we are! reprehensible to say the least
and the len munsels of this world are leading the way
well i am not following; i will not be misguided, misled
so from now on, it is not we, but you, you who are blind
el sendero de menos resitance
meeting several acquaintances along the way
his steps brought him to a fork in the road
where he took courage and made a decision
he took the path of least resistance, or so he thought
he ventured into an ideal situation, basking in joy
reality had checked out; bliss had come to stay forever
the mask of peace fell gently upon his path
and the bombs bursting in the distance disappeared into the horizon
life is a motion picture, a ceaseless work of personal cinematography
someday the reel will run its course, applause will follow, and the screen will go dark
i have found my way
life is an ever changing flower, growing new and different daily. you think you are an orchid, costly and beautiful, but then the petals of a daisy spring forth and your mind is tricked. the wretched yellows of a sunflower try to push their way out, but you hold them back pretending they are not there. then when you least expect it a dandelion tries to have its way with you which brings you to simply pluck it out of its birth. i am beginning to think that i will not remain a flower, but that i will burst out like a mighty phoenix, flying amidst an array of fiery color, passion. i was not meant to stay on the ground...
is it here?
i think it is... finally here!
a corner has been turned. a new era has arrived. however it can be comprehended, something has occurred. a change. a change that will affect the masses, and even me. a flame has been lit, and it will take a strong wind to extinguish this great candle. more than a glimmer of hope; rather, a strong sense of purpose in a future. as the chords of life progress in such a natural manner, i glide on the great crest of a wave toward the unfathomable. peace.
alec blowing-wind
mr. baldwin,
we america are so grateful for the great services that you and your family have already given us as actors in some of the greatest movies of all time! please, do not continue to sacrifice yourselves for our sake! you deserve retirement. we truly appreciate you!
the ever burning candle
i'm sick of it
well it's official
i'm surrounded by generations of whiners
i hear them scream their thoughtless diatribes
and know not why they cry
war is life and life is hell, so get over it
i hear them complain of government
i hear them speak of injustice
then they blast their parents with disrespect
justifying their ill speak with rationale of a spoiled brat
you hypocrites. peace and love, except to those who you hate
at the end of the day, i forgive you
your propaganda is thrown in my face
but i stick to my principles and love all
i'm no saint and certainly i have experienced hatred
you will die unhappy though, as joy is hidden by your dark eyes
breaking free
i want to break free from your lies
god knows i want to break free
and i did fall in love for the first time
i knew it was real, god knows
god knows i fell in love
but when it counted, time fell through
and the winds of fate ripped our sails
we sat idly upon the glassy sea
now late nights and good movies accompany me
and we all are experiencing this simultaneously
yet we cannot carry each other, we would drown
this beaten trail which reveals itself new to me
has pricked the beings of those long before me
and my superb vision is actually my blindness
i am young, though years are adding up
and my wits are only what i make of them
my tongue still sharp as it was the day it was forged
the acid of truth and realization burns in my stomach
the reflux of all that i wish were different surfaces
there is no cure of the living for this disease
yet i find my smile, i find my charm, my name
i fill my boots, and measure up, or i pretend
either way i satisfy the demand, of who, i know not
there is this providence, which, is in fact there
yet months can slip by, days are nothing apart
i will return, i think, someday, i hope, i plan
i want to break free
i hope people talk politics at my funeral

This guy hates freedom(s)


there is a glimmer
though it looks much different than expected
but then again, it's life
i am dry
yet i cannot drink of it
because it is for "whites only"
and my color does not match
left alone in this burning haze
i do not see myself in the mirror
happiness and elation, distant memories
my greatest fears weigh upon me
i move on; i pick myself up, or drag myself
and pull myself to safety, or so i think
that i used to do often also, not now though
and the harbinger of death gently passes by
drama, drama everywhere, i've had too much to drink
and this passing phase shall end, but not without great loss
where do we go from here? this is not what we expected to be
one cannot appreciate the top until he has seen the utter bottom
you say...
yet your actions prove otherwise
i see that you are conflicted, confused
and i hope you find some resolve
not only for your sake,
but for those around you whom are suffering
this ring which i has fallen from my finger
my hopes rest in the hands of the stranger
who found my ring and now looks upon it curiously
i wish i could have my ring back
for its security grasped me tightly, with comfort
and now i am naked in an icestorm
with only the blood from my bleeding heart to keep me warm
about cursing...
that is, i have never said, "damn you" or "f*#$ you" to anyone.
before tonight.
but i had good reason. well, i don't suppose any reason
is a good one to sin; but nonetheless, i did it
and i am admitting it here, before peers, for all to see
to you who i did curse this eve, i apologize;
but i will have no faith in you, trust is lost
it was nice once being your friend.
what happened? did i offend?
i certainly would not have attacked you
in such a force so as to humiliate you.
i hope that you realize that anger did not
dominate me tonight; yet tears, tears of sadness
you inflicted me with the harshest of pain
and words will not stop the tears.
for you have compromised the damn,
you have unleashed the hurt, the pain
you have without reason unleashed hell upon me,
hurt. hurt. hurt. i cannot compose words strong enough.
uhh... you thought i wouldn't find out...
ummm... if perchance you thought i was too stupid to find out
you were mistaken my dear. although i hope you realize
right about now, that i did not utter word one about you.
i hope that digs in, to the deepest of your soul, and if not,
well, you're heartlesssay you're sorry all you want, but i know the truth...
you would not have said it if you were sorry.
let me just try to convey to you the pain you have inflicted
and i seek no apology; for i expect nothing from which is nothing
betrayal, betrayal, such strong words
"such strong words, jack," i was told...
obviously not so very strong that the closest of friends
could utter them at a moment's glance
you have hurt me. congratulations.
i hope you are happy.
i am not.
i am sure that gives you consolation at this point.
i move on
the truly sad fact of absence, of a void
and i raise an eyebrow and my lip slightly grins
eight days and counting, my head returns
tomorrow i suppose i shall be further along
"further" seems to be a relevant word currently
i can now stand, i think of other things, of tasks
and i look to the dawn on the ninth day, for hope
my joy was that which threatens to become dangerous
for that i tried to quit you, i turned the other way
then suddenly there we were, and we were there
in a few short days i experienced honest elation
then ultimately i felt the greatest pain of my life
life has come crashing down upon me
and now i am slowly suffocating to death in the rubble
it was such a wonderful present
and now it has been taken back, returned
i knew this was possible, just not so soon
time cut short this journey, and death is apparent
down down, he tumbles, all the way to the ground
he cannot feel anything, for when he does
he only feels the pain of stinging death
ruining him, yet never generous enough to kill him
it is finished
my heart longs not to feel, to end itself
i open my eyes and tears fall out
i close them and my soul stings from loss
burn burn, burned
i did not understand before, now...i wish i did not, it cost too much"
and he fell from the mountain top into the far reaches of nothingness"
When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
what joy has covered my heart
peace flows in a different way
my eyes are settled upon a rock
a true refuge for my being
words cannot be contrived to express my joy
i am in an aweful bliss; a true haven of comfort
my heart flips at the sound of your voice
my soul waits patiently for your embrace
and he knows he will safely land in the cradling arms of the water
soft will be his landing, and joyful will be his future
for he has come to the realization of his most desired dreams
and the sweet sweet caress of the clouds surrounds him
for his bliss is endless, his cares are lost to the wind
he has tasted the gentle lips of honesty
as his thirst for truth has been quenched
oh happy, happy day of goodness, of excitement
what can be as great as this, not the greatest holiday
but truly today his heart heals, the wounds of sorrow mend
grief and disbelief depart him for their grasp is no more
cheers and goodnight.